Sorry ya'll, but this is just too funny to let pass unread.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Dinner with Meme

I have the coolest supper club. We not only eat the most amazing food, visit the most amazing homes and laugh ourselves silly into the wee hours of way-past-our-bedtimes...we have these great conversations, too. There's this Question of the Night thing we do. I didn't realize this, but there's an equivalent in the blogging world called the meme. (Learn something new every day). This past week, the supper club's meme was "What was your first car?" which turned into "Tell us about every car you've had since you turned 16." Now, I must warn you, I'm the kind of gal who thinks a car is pretty much a mechanism to get from Point A to Point B, although I

Adventures in cooking,
friends who rock,
growing up
Saturday, June 23, 2007

This is Why I Don't Cook Breakfast
I complained bitterly under my breath that I am incapable of making a decent breakfast when Big Stuff piped up, "Don't say that, Mama! It's not that bad. In fact, it's sort of good (as she eyed the bacon suspiciously.) I'm going to eat it." Man, I love that girl.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Post update: Two days after this post, Small Fry jumped like a wild woman into the neighborhood pool, unprompted and unassisted. And then proceeded to do it about 50 more times!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Pictures Worth a Thousand

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