Here's a great thing to do.... meet your best friends for coffee once in a while. Sounds like something our grandmas would do, right? Man, did they have something! It doesn't require a bunch of pre-planning. You don't have to make an appoinment with each other three months in advance. You don't have to find a babysitter. You don't have to dress up. You don't have to impress anyone. You just show up at Starbucks or someone's particularly lovely and cozy home, sit in front of the fire, drink your cuppa and LAUGH! In my mind, this constitutes the
perfect morning. This is one of the major perks of not having to go into an office on a daily basis. At night, I almost feel subversive telling Cutie Pie about it because I don't want him to suddenly realize what he's missing and insist I become fully employed once again. And really, there's nothing like friendship is there? You literally feel
fed after coffee talk. Your little heart is once again beating full and robustly inside your chest. You can breathe easily. Your forehead uncrinkles itself from its "this is your mother talking" mode. Ahhhhhh. I do not take this for granted. This is very hard to find! Cool chicks like mine are darn near impossible to find in a girl's lifetime. Our conversation yesterday brings me to this old picture of my

best friend and me when we were about 6 (the picture on the right is one of our daughters, ages 6 and 5). The first thing I'm thinking is that I would have loved for her to have been at coffee talk. S

he would have had many, many hilarious comments to add, and my Atlanta girls would love her. But she lives far away, so we sometimes do coffee talk over the phone ( is that considered phone sipping? )....which is also very nourishing but not as good as in person. When I visit her in Florida, we cram six months of coffee talk into a morning or two. She is an absolute treasure in my life. The second thing I think about when I look at this picture is that my family's pop-up camper is in the background, which was one of the aforementioned hilarious topics we discussed at coffee talk. In fact, the assignment for next month's CT was to bring in pictures of ourselves camping in our pop-up campers and/or tents when we were kids. We were pretty sure we would look like little clones of each other, due to the fact that our stories of family life in the 1970s were so very similar. Well girls, here it is. Did you also have the yarn-bow ponytails and horrid red, white and blue plaid pants? I thought so.
Hello, there! Just located your blog. Well done! Keep writing your stories and I can better discover the woman you have become. What fun! Actually, I always thought you looked so cute in those red, white and blue plaid shorts. No, really.
Your cousin,
Thank you very much...you inspired me! But I tell everyone not to compare our blogs...you are too, too good! :-) I have enjoyed reading it.
By the way, SPF, you remember that you took that picture don't you? It is the only one I have of us that young, so it's very special!
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